F.A.Z. Essentials Compressed Content Micro-Service

Our first user feature built with generative AI

Initial situation Over the past years, our primary focus has been on our subscribers. We've endeavored to gain a deeper understanding of them—grasping their behaviors, motivations, and needs.

Our F.A.Z. subscribers are avid users of our FAZ.NET app. Thanks to our carefully curated topics and their presentation within the app, readers stay thoroughly informed. Furthermore, we offer personalized reading recommendations, allowing readers to delve into their interests more comprehensively.

With tailored topics and authors, readers now enjoy quicker, more targeted access to their favorite articles. But is providing the right content sufficient for our subscribers?

No, we have still not yet been able to solve our subscribers' main problem, which is that they only have a limited amount of time available for close reading and would like a better overview and faster access to content.

Through in-depth interviews, our subscribers have repeatedly expressed the desire to have a way of quickly grasping the core statements and content of a text, to get a quick overview or summary:

  • What is it about?
  • What are the key points?
  • What should you take away from the article?


weeks of development


Subscribers recently used the feature in the first 30 days

90 %

of all summaries are marked as helpful

Problem to be solved  Our goal with new services or tools is to ensure consistently high quality.

Condensing articles into summaries posed a previously unsolvable challenge on many levels.

We have neither the resources in the editorial department to write a summary in addition to the article, nor could we guarantee the necessary quality with automated solutions.

The utilization of generative LLM has finally provided a solution to meet user demands.

“We have wanted summaries for our texts for a long time, but had no capacity. AI now makes this service possible for our readers.”

Cai Tore Phillippsen
Editor in Chief FAZ.NET

Solution The latest stage of generative AI development allows us to revolutionize the design and preparation of news products. We integrate this technology into various editorial processes, facilitating more nuanced research and optimized texts.

Implementing generative AI for producing article summaries directly impacts the user experience. For the first time, our subscribers now have the opportunity to read the essential content of an article as a supplement to a text. This leads to significant quality improvements and overwhelmingly positive feedback.

This premium feature is exclusive to our subscribers. The new feature is a special highlight, which is why we gave it the name F.A.Z. ESSENTIALS.

Quick overview

Clear and easy to use. The user can find our summary feature in the bottom toolbar of our flagship app “FAZ.NET”. Just one touch and the summary directly layers the article. By reading the summary, the user can very quickly grasp what is the essential of the article.

Fully integrated

The summary feature takes learned usage behaviour into account and is therefore integrated into the app's tool bar like other features. This creates a consistent and good user experience.

Transparent and clear

The user is informed that the bullets are ai based and has the option to send a feedback.

Transparent and clear

The user is informed that the bullets are ai based and has the option to send a feedback.

How it works

Flexibility and Economic Efficiency

F.A.Z. ESSENTIALS —the Compressed Content Micro-Service—can be utilized in various capacities due to its independent production line: Directly within articles, As a TTS audio file, As an article teaser, As a push service email or short message.


This new micro-service provides unparalleled depth of information in an efficient format with minimal time investment. Subscribers can delve into personally relevant articles based on this high-level information, resulting in a satisfaction rate exceeding 90%. "F.A.Z. ESSENTIALS " contributes another layer to our pursuit of delivering the best news experience for our loyal subscribers.


This new micro-service provides unparalleled depth of information in an efficient format with minimal time investment. Subscribers can delve into personally relevant articles based on this high-level information, resulting in a satisfaction rate exceeding 90%. "F.A.Z. ESSENTIALS " contributes another layer to our pursuit of delivering the best news experience for our loyal subscribers.